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Hashtag Your Posts
Love to #hashtag? Good news! You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag?...
Add Blog Writers
Adding writers is a great way to bring more fresh and diverse content to your blog. Whether you’re running a small business or a large...
Alcodast Airsoft Upgrades, Phase 1: MOSFET
This is the introduction to my new line of Internal Airsoft upgrades. This week I’m taking a break from my normal posts on Slingin...
Getting Started with Airsoft - Part 2
Last time I covered what a new player should be thinking about when they decide to jump into Airsoft. If you have not read it yet, take...
Getting Started With Airsoft - Part 1
I see the question all the time, literally multiple times a week, “What gun should I get,” or “Is this gun good for a beginner…” People...
Airsoft: A Comparison With Other Combat Sports
Nearly every time I tell somebody that I play Airsoft, they give me this weird look that says "What are you, some kind of kid or...
What Exactly Is Airsoft?
Here is a brief history of Airsoft: Meet Paul. Paul is your average 1970s Japanese dude wondering why the laws against owning firearms...
Day One, Ready to Go
Over the years I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge on Airsoft. Some might think that it is just a game where people dress up...
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