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What Exactly Is Airsoft?

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Here is a brief history of Airsoft:

Meet Paul.

Paul is your average 1970s Japanese dude wondering why the laws against owning firearms are so stinking strict. Paul doesn't want any less to shoot targets than the next guy, and he has no desire to harm anybody with guns. So what should Paul do if he can't own any real guns, but wants to go pop some shots at something?

Easy, enough. Make fake guns. *insert smiley face*

Airsoft, like most of the greatest things of the modern world, came from Japan. In the late 70s some Japanese hobbyists decided to develop a way to get around anti-gun laws by making replica guns that shot plastic pellets instead of anything metal. The result was a model gun that propelled a plastic BB using what was dubbed "Soft Air," or easily compressed gas. Thus, the first non-blowback gas guns were developed and Airsoft was born.

It did not take long for people to realize that these weapons could be fired harmlessly at other people, and so Airsoft became not only a competition, but also in loose terms a sport. Like a rumor in among highschoolers, the new game spread across all of Asia and Europe, and then over seas to the U.S. By the mid 80s, these new "SoftAir" guns were known worldwide.

It was not until 1992 that a Japanese RC company decided to take SoftAir to the next level. The company had been struggling to make ends meet, but then they took the leap of faith into the SoftAir market with their rendition of the Replica, the Automatic Electric Gun.

Image Credit: raptor_magnum50ae on Photobucket

This revolutionary innovation forever changed the very nature of the game. The very same system used in that first gearbox is the same system modern AEG's are still using.

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Since the stage was set by that first AEG, the market has taken off. Sales and Communities grow continuously even twenty five years later. I would not have invested in Airsoft if I did not think it would continue to grow in the coming years.

At some point, the common name for the sport was changed to Airsoft, though you will still see companies that call it by the original "Soft Air." This change highlights the fact that the hobby and market are both continuously changing. Even the the decade that I have been playing, a number of huge changes hit the scene, such as the introduction of affordable MOSFETs and the development of practical HPA systems. The opportunities are endless, just waiting for people to jump in and play.

So I've covered where and what Airsoft has been, what what IS it? This answer is slightly more complicated.

I personally have brought a number of people into the sport, and not one of them have put aside their gear to stop playing even since life has picked up and they have less time to play.

Any Airsoft player will be happy to show you his gear and talk about what things he has, what upgrades his guns have, what he plans to do in the future, and what he would recommend you do based on his experience. The options for styles and the building of that perfect replica are both unlimited.


There is nothing quite like chilling out in your camp at night between missions when suddenly glowing BBs begin to fly in from every direction as the enemy begins a night raid. Or even more fun is being on the other side and getting the command to open fire on the sleeping enemy force.


It is a great feeling to step off the field after a good game, whether you won or lost, and to chat with your buddies about how well that game went. Everybody had a good time, called their hits, was courteous to other players, and in general honored the game.


When you and your battle buddy are out in the middle of the forest stalking an enemy squad and you post up for the assault. Adrenaline rushes through your veins as the two of you step out and proceed to successfully wipe out the enemy element. That time you took before hand to plan your strategy before execution paid off.


An Airsoft player, given the chance, would be happy to tell you about that time he cleared the entire village by himself after his whole team was wiped out, or that time he pulled off the 300 foot shot to kill the VIP and win the game, or that time he almost - almost - pulled off a silent set of knife kills on an entire squad.


I won't lie and say that it is always tons of fun. There are certainly times when people cheat, or when you can't seem to out-think a squirrel, but those times pale in comparison with the thrill and excitement that comes with a good game.

There is so much to the sport of Airsoft. Anyone who has played will agree that it is both fun and challenging. I would say that there is no other game of this type, not LARPing, not Nerf, not Paintball, that would begin to match the sheer fun that comes from playing Airsoft. I love the game, and I know that so many other do as well.

Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoy your week!

Check out my next Post: Comparing Airsoft to Other Hobbies.

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